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Professional Repair and Restoration

Our proximity to major orchestras and music schools - Cleveland Orchestra, Cleveland Institute of Music, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, etc. - has resulted in considerable demand for high-quality instrument and bow repairs as well as bow rehairs. We have risen to the challenge by providing outstanding service at a very reasonable price.

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10 products


Geared Tuning Peg Installation
Varnish Refurbishing and Revarnishing
Soundpost Replacement/Adjustment/Fitting
Viola - New Bridge, Carved and Fitted
Violin - New Bridge, Carved and Fitted
Cello - New Bridge, carved and fitted
Check and Reglue Open Seams
Bridge Adjustment
Bridge Adjustment Sale price$25.00
insurance Valuation
insurance Valuation Sale price$35.00
Clean, Polish, and Wax for Instruments